Animatic 2 really killed me because I'm at that point where I just want to start animating FOR REAL, not this random sliding stuff. I've been dragging myself through the modeling and planning phases and I am SOOOOO ready to animate.
Question: I need to do something between when Oscar sees his old shell off in the distance and when he has it on again, but I am not entirely sure what. Does anyone have any ideas?
- The sand I promised is in there and textured, but the animatic is composed of playblasts so you don't get the full pizazz I know you were all expecting. (Also, that black hermit crab is actually green and renders correctly just doesn't show the green in the viewport. And yes I checked the metallic setting on the texture.)
- I am going to the Composer Meet-Up this weekend. Not entirely sure if I will use a composer because I am really open to using any slow, mellow music for my film and I don't know if I need to go through the trouble of making sure a composer is on top of things while I make sure that I am on top of things, at least for my first film. However, I still wanted to attend just in case I meet someone and I really like their work, and so that I get acquainted with the whole composer-animator meeting dynamic before my future films so that I am prepared.
- I met with my animation professor, Jesse O'Brien, today to help me with rigging my characters because I had never rigged my own character let alone a quadruped. While we were going through the process and each piece started moving the way it should one by one, it actually filled me with a weird sense of joy that I'd never felt before. Before today, I had only ever modeled and textured a character from scratch OR animated from a pre-rig. I had never made a model and rigged it entirely from nothing. Needless to say, I'm really happy with the work I've done thus far and I'm excited to see how the rest of my film comes out.